The Table Singers

The Table Singers is the praise band that provides music at our 8:30am service on Sunday morning as well as various services throughout the year. The praise band uses many instruments including guitar, piano, and violin. 

Jamond McCoy

Table Singers Director

Jamond is an improvisational jazz and gospel influenced vocalist, pianist, composer, arranger, session singer, and accompanist creating music for various venues and other fellow musicians. He is dedicated and committed to giving each musical endeavor the passion, energy, and respect it deserves. His current endeavors include teaching at studios, and working as an assistant director at the Monterey Jazz Summer Camp, and giving back to the church communities that helped shape him as a music director. Jamond is looking forward to pushing the limits and carrying on the legacy of M-pact music group for which he now sings baritone. Outside of music, he absolutely loves all things food and puts as much passion into eating and making food as he does music.

Join The Table Singers

The Table Singers is open to all. They rehearse on Thursday evenings at 8:30pm to 9:30pm in the Sanctuary. 

If you would like to join The Table Singers, please contact the Table Singers' Director, Jamond McCoy.